Saturday, June 15, 2024

I'm Kinda Proud!

 My friend, Merilee, inspired me to
try to do things I don't think I can do.

It started like this.

Short, ugly, leaks and no sprayer thingie.

I needed Kyle's help to undo the plastic nuts
holding the faucet to the sink.
He said I could have done it.
But it was good to have his help.

This morning, it looks like this!

I took the old faucet off,
put the new faucet on, and the center stem
was too big for the hole in the sink.
A quick trip to our really nice little
hardware store on Main Street
(with VERY nice people, I might add)
where we bought a Dremel .
(Ours is still in Florida but needs to be
replaced anyway - it is getting old.)
Kyle ground out the hole for a bit
and then I took over again.

Installation was quick and much easier
than I thought it was going to be.
And now I have a pretty new faucet
that does NOT leak, is tall enough for
me to get a large pan under
(since the sink is pretty shallow)
and has a sprayer thingie!!!

Oh the simple joys in life.

And Kyle put a new fan in my messy office
for me this morning.
I have to teach both morning and evening
classes for the next 3 weeks and those
windows face east, so it gets pretty
toasty in there in the morning.


1 comment:

rktucson said...

I love everything you've done in your little place. It's so fun to make it your own.