Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Fathers Day!

 Happy Father's Day to the important
men in my life!

I miss my darling husband and can't wait for him to join us!
We are so blessed to have him in our lives.
He has been an amazingly supportive Dad to 
our sons. They can count on him to always
be in their corner, no matter what.

And of course, my OWN Dad.
I have so many wonderful memories of times we spent together,
from the lunch organ recitals downtown to trying
desperately (and eventually giving up) to teach me
to leap onto a horse bareback like they do in the movies.
Can't do it. (Still can't.)

I have been so blessed by the men in my life.
They are such good examples of Christ-like love.
They both have strong testimonies
and a love of God and family that is
second to none.


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