Saturday, June 29, 2024

City Park at Hill City

 Well the farmers market in Hill City was kind of a bust.
It was just their first day (and only their 2nd year)

I didn't want to take a picture from too close...
there were a total of 6 vendors.
The one on the left with the red and the white truck
was a little table with some eggs and yellow squash.
Everybody else was a craft or baking.

However, this is a DARLING park!
This is the "bandstand" with concrete seating.

In the background is a covered pavilion.

All stone and old wood.

With a super cool GIANT fireplace!

Then you walk down the path under the giant trees and across
this swinging bridge...

To another outdoor fireplace (with a 2nd firepit)

And these cool permanent, concrete, round picnic tables.

There is lots of grass, trees, random tables.

A really nice park!
there's no competition, so once we get something to harvest
(grin) "if we build it, they will come". Right?

"Wilson" out in the garden ready to get back to work.
We got some nice rain overnight though so he gets a break.
(Yeah, some of that is grass and weeds... but SOME of it is
squash, corn, beans and okra...)

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