Thursday, June 6, 2024


 It got a little warm in our house yesterday.
Ended up closing the windows and 
turning on the A/C so I could teach.

This morning Kyle took care of that...

Good job!!!

We have 2 more to install.
One in my zoom room and
one in his bedroom.
(There is already one in our bedroom
and also a small one in the kitchen.)

I kind of hate to put them up though,
the existing lights are original!

Remember these?
The one in the zoom room has wheat.
Cuz, Kansas.

Kyle's is just plain.

But we will replace them anyway.
They are fun and nostalgic,
but we NEED a fan.

The apple did not fall far from the tree.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love those old light fixtures... What memories eh? I am sure enjoying reading your updates. Sounds so exciting!!