Thursday, June 13, 2024

Drip Line

 It is just TOO WINDY to run a sprinkler
effectively out at the farm.
The water just blows away.

So Kyle ordered a big ol' drip line kit.
And it came with everything we needed.

So yesterday that was our project.

Step one, lay out the feeder line.
There is a Y splitter in the middle.
Each side has 18 rows.
Each row is 165 feet long.
50', then an alley big enough for the tractor,
then a 30' row, then another alley, and then
another 50' row.
At least that's what I think it is.... lol.


We got it all staked down with staples and then
put in the holes and nipples.
Then Kyle ran the actual drip tape.
We had a couple of 1000' rolls.
Those were awesome.
The kit came with one 4000' roll.
That thing was a BEAST!
We ended up laying it flat at one end of the row
and I fed tape while Kyle walked it to the other
end of the row, then I untwisted all the knots
and he walked back and staked it down.

Got the first 18 row section finished.
We were SUNBURNED, tired, hot (it was 96 degrees), and
I had to get back to town to teach a class.

But we have DRIP!




Okra all popped up!
(The top 1/4 inch of dirt is dry, but if you
dig down, this soil does a really good
job of holding moisture.)

Kyle stayed and did some watering.
And he's back there again this morning.
While the drip does its job, he is going
to keep working inside his house.

I was supposed to have an all-day training
meeting on Zoom, but the presenter woke up
"extremely ill" so cancelled at the last minute.
So instead I'm heading into Hays to 
do the weekly grocery shopping and buy some
stuff for Kyle's house.

Life on the farm!

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