Saturday, June 15, 2024

Working Hard

 It's a LOT of work.
But the drip line seems to be working well.

He has to drag the watering trailer all the way 
down the road to the well.
Fill it up and drive it back and set it up.

But it seems to be getting water where we need it.

During his "down time" he mowed the area in the valley where the 
grass was SUPER tall...

Remember this?
He ran the bush hog behind his tractor.
And then he pitchforked it onto his big trailer.

I forgot to take a picture, but the entire thing
was stacked 3 feet high in grass!

You can see some of it in the bottom right of this picture.
He has been covering the rows to help much and
keep the moisture in.

Yesterday I taught the morning class (8-12) and
then ran into Hays to the Kubota dealer to pick
up some filters etc for the tractor.
Then to Home Depot for some things for the
watering system.
Then out to the farm to deliver the roof sealer
I bought the day before and the new stuff
and check on his progress.
Then back into town to teach the night
class (5-9). I kind of love being an hour
behind Florida... its nice to be finished teaching
and the sun hasn't even gone down yet!

Last night we got a little gentle rain at the house,
but according to the radar we got some of
the good "yellow" rain out at the farm.
This morning we have some house projects
I need Kyle's help with and then we will
head out there to check everything out.

We are putting a LOT of miles on the vehicles.
But eventually he will be living out there
and won't have to make the drive in and out
every single day.

I'll miss having him here!
But he's looking forward to living in his house!

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