Thursday, June 20, 2024


 While we have been out here doing what we are doing...
Rod has been back in Florida getting stuff done as well.

We took the house off the market for a minute
and switched realtors.

We are hoping she will be the golden ticket.
She walked in the first morning and was all ...
"change this, fix that, paint this, move that...."
instead of "wow, this looks nice."

in the spirit of fix, paint, move, etc...
Rod has been working HARD on the tack room.

He got everything moved out of the tack room.

Then he repaired, patched and painted all the walls and the ceiling.
Then we had a young man who is leaving next month
for his mission in Brazil come over and put new trim
around the bottom.
And then Rod repainted the fancy french doors.
(they go into the master bedroom)

It looks SO GOOD!

He's been trimming up some of the exterior plants.

Repainted and got new bulbs for the outside lights.

I have always loved those lights!
They came with the house.
I'm tempted to take them..... lol.

Did a bunch of work in Kyle's bathroom where some
of the caulking was looking a little rough...

And today they are there taking all new pictures.

We hope to put it back on the market next week.

He sent me these pictures this morning.

Bumper mango crop!!!
And I'm not there with my freeze dryer to
take advantage!
He said he would pick them and drive them
up to us. I would LOVE that.
(It would be nice to see him, especially
since next Thursday is our 43rd anniversary!)
But... realistically, no.

We are feeling optimistic.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Wow Love those mangos! And how fun if he could come see you! Fingers crossed all his hard work and new realtor brings a now happy home owner!!